Tuesday, July 8, 2014


He was constantly staring at the river for quite some time now. it almost seemed like a conversation between them. The man and the river. He seemed to be expecting something, an answer perhaps, from the river. A question so deep and subtle that one might forget about it the very next second,  almost like a sketch on the water. A question yet so powerful with an answer in itself that it could bring in an ocean of other questions all depending on that one thought, like two atoms result in an explosion, only this explosion happens within. A question that keeps one on the path of enlightenment or suddenly becomes surreal and then the sketch on the water is gone. But then something happens in between this thought... a bird has just chirped nearby somewhere. His attention is then towards the chirp and he quickly starts looking for the bird that he has manifested listening to. This moment is his creation and he is of this creation's. While looking for the bird another question comes and sits on his head, like a random bird on a tree, yet very important to the conscious universe. "Is it important to look for who chirped? " "can't we just enjoy the chirp ...the manifestation? "

It is for him to realise how big the world actually is. .. and our bubble is way too small. It is just not the chirp that he created,  also the trees and the sun and the mountains too, even the temperature of the water is his own creation. Now that tickles ego a bit, but his is the creation and he is of the creation.

But could he be a manifestation of the bird? Our we in nothing but a web of thoughts that have been manifested?  'Sab moh maya hai?' Yet its real... so real that one can experience it.

There has got to be  some vibe connecting and coming together and suddenly the bird chirps again.

All that has been thought through just between two chirps. the existance has been questioned. All happened between two chirps.

The water trickles down as always.
There is another chirp.
And then the sun sets.

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