Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Sailing rocks

Do we follow patterns (good or bad) or patterns follow us, is still a mystery. The decisions we make in our lives fulfil someone else's manifestation of their own dream and their actions fulfil ours. The roller coaster of fear, happiness, sadness, envy, excitement and all other emotions never stops within. At times we want it to just calm the fuck down, breathe, and just be; which is always followed up with something in contrast to it. Excitement, anger, depression, going crazy, falling in love, feeling hurt and so many other contrasts that there is no end. We naturally begin to defy the 'new'. It is important that the 'new' stays. Taking things for granted has different levels and the only ladder through which it goes up is our ego.

What if this reality is actually just a dream? An often asked question... what if the only reason we are alive is not yet to be understood? In meditation, surrendering ego is the first step. What happens after you lose your identity while still being awake? there is no body, there is no mind, there is no future or past. For that brief moment in time, you are nothing more than a rock in the middle of a desert and the rock is alive. In that silence, you realise that consciousness is not just limited to things that grow or that we consider to be alive. 

When a seed germinates, the only thing it has is potential. The body it acquires, the color, the texture, everything about it comes from the combination of the basic elements of life that our planet is made of. We can only be naive to think that what contributes to it being born isnt alive. Mona lisa isn't itself a person, it is an expression of someone else's creativity. We are an expression too. As we express our own emotions through different mediums like writing or art or dance, to a certain level it is for the audience; it is for the audience until we learn its language and are fluent in that particular language.

 This universe or multiverse whatever it is, expresses itself through colors which we could only see if we had eyes, the sounds, which we could only hear since we had ears, textures that we could touch, food we could taste knowledge that we could understand; everything makes us realise that we were born by it to it for it. We are a language being spoken, a poem being read, a river flowing, a candle burning, "it is all happening". You are the creation by the creation for the creation. Once we accept this, everything starts to make sense. 

Monday, January 25, 2016


Glowing worms
Inside a ball
A ball made 
Of glass
With colors
Blue and green
Were there
To make it last

These worms 
Still lost
Inside the
Ball of glass
How did 
They get inside
What was 
Their past?

No one to help
And no one to guide
No future to seek
No past to hide

In this ball
Made of glass
These worms 
Growing fast

But whats 
The point?
Grow and then?

It finishes when?

What happens?
Who wins?
Always seeking wins.

The glowing worms
To the beats of
To the nature 
Of slime
Being what they 
Can be
Seeing what they
Can see

Entering zen
One by one
Beginning to be
The ball of glass
Color after color
Blue after green
And after 
They have been
To their future
And past
The ball of glass
Becomes them
At last.